Shipping and Returns

Shipping Policy

We offer free shipping on all orders, regardless of the purchase amount. All orders are processed within 1-2 business days and delivered within 5-7 business days, depending on the recipient's location.

Return policy

At Vieta Pro, your satisfaction is our priority. That's why we always offer free shipping and returns for all our products. Below you will find the details of our return policy.

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can return the products free of charge within 30 days of receiving your order. To be eligible for a return, the product must be in its original condition, and in its original packaging.

Return Process

1. Start a Return: Visit our returns section on the website and complete the returns form or contact us using our form .

2. Prepare for Shipment: Pack the product securely in its original packaging. Be sure to include all accessories, manuals, and any other content that was shipped with the product.

Once we receive and process the return, we will issue a full refund to your original payment method. The refund process may take up to 6 business days.